FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) software solutions for manufacturing are designed to address the unique challenges of high-volume production environments characterised by long production lines with multiple machines performing various operations, often not without problems such as increasing waste, production stops, or unplanned changeovers. These software solutions provide a comprehensive approach to production management, enabling manufacturers to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure timely production.
Accevo Systems (former Accevo Solutions) provides various FMCG production software to solve common industry problems and increase production value. That includes OEE Performance monitoring, Manufacturing Execution System (MES), or Micro stops monitoring system designed with FMCG production in mind.
Analyse and point out production abnormalities
Plan and produce flawlessly without unnecessary changeovers
Micro stops Monitoring Solution is a dedicated tool for FMCG production. We leverage connection with machines and AI to track down the root cause of line stops, giving the possibility to improve production and avoid future production stops. Registering each, even the shortest stop of the machine with its reason from PLC.
Version control, digital forms, reports and seamless documentation flow in your entire production facility. This integrated system will streamline processes, enhance collaboration, and improve traceability throughout your production facility, ultimately boosting productivity and quality control.
In most tobacco factories, the secondary machine communication landscape is highly fragmented, both for machine-to-machine and machine-to-higher systems data streams. The fragmentation is evident on many levels: physical media, protocols, data formats, sometimes proprietary, have added up over time with the machines. Unnecessarily high integration efforts result. Moreover, extracting manufacturing insights from the machine data is a valuable opportunity that is severely limited by the fragmentation.
OPC UA is the interoperability standard for the secure and reliable exchange of data in the industrial automation space and in other industries. It is platform-independent and ensures the seamless flow of information among devices from multiple vendors. The commitment to streamlined communication and efficient manufacturing is shared by Accevo Solution, a proud member of the OPC UA Foundation.
A joint working group of the OPC Foundation and the TMC (Tobacco Machine Communication) working group created this companion specification. It aims at harmonizing data exchange and interoperability requirements for the common benefit of both cigarette manufacturers and OEMs. Accevo Solution’s participation in this endeavor demonstrates their active role in enhancing the standardization and functionality within the tobacco industry.
先进的IT系统不仅涉及生产过程的自动化,而且最重要的是知识系统,它允许整合来自公司运营不同领域的数据,并有效支持日常管理过程。 Accevo FMCG套装 提供了一个现代化的专有MES系统,可以直接从生产站实时有效地收集信息。 快速消费品的制造执行系统 是一个优秀的解决方案,它简化了所有生产过程并使之自动化,为制造公司提供了巨大的管理能力。还有什么?一个专门的 快消品的MES 完美地补充了标准 ERP系统.
快速消费品环境是一个非常有活力的行业! 这个行业最大的挑战首先是大量的订单,执行和交付的时间和条件。错综复杂的流程数量和适应个别产品的特定储存条件的需要会让人头疼。制造执行系统是为您的企业量身定做的完美解决方案,因为它将有助于满足所有现有的要求,同时有助于提高快速消费品行业的效率和规模!
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