Accevo Company was founded nearly 18 years ago by AGH students interested in software that supports production management. Currently, 100 people at Accevo are interested in developing in the areas of production management, programming, and automation. We have extensive experience in designing and creating customized MES class products. Our software ensures that processes in the factory are monitored in real time, which ensures continuous production, minimizes losses due to unnecessary downtime, and introduces new quality in creating specialized documentation necessary for the validation of quality-certified products at every stage of their creation. We operate in the food, pharmaceutical, cleaning products, tobacco, and discrete manufacturing industries.
2023 年,Accevo Systems (formerly ANT Solutions) 与以下公司联手开启了新的篇章 杜尔集团 和 ITAC 软件我们的目标是在全球范围内,扩大我们在制造技术领域的能力和影响力。此次合作标志着我们致力于提供最先进的解决方案,也是我们通过数字化转型实现制造业革命的里程碑。
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