How to manage production by using modern shopfloor WMS and Autonomous Mobile Robots? (VIDEO)

Modern factories must constantly develop and raise efficiency indicators to achieve and maintain a strong market position. One of the ways to do this is to use modern technological solutions such as WMS or AMR. How do they help manage production, and why the integration of these solutions is necessary?



WMS and AMR – what does it mean for production?

WMS (Warehouse Management System) is advanced software that allows for managing warehouse and resources more efficiently. WMS has real-time data about the stock. There is always up-to-date information about what supplies are available, or about material excesses and shortages. Based on this data can plan production processes and create material orders. In this way, factories can resources management more efficiently and achieve higher OEE. No more expensive downtimes and no more too-large inventory.

AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robots) is a solution that allows for the automated transport of materials, components, and parts from the warehouse to the shopfloor. Robots can deliver supplies to workplaces and collect products from operators – safely and efficiently. For example, Magnus AMRs from SESCO can carry payloads of up to 300 kg and the same speed bi-directional traveling capability. Mobile robots are equipped with a scanning system that allows for avoiding an accident.

amr robot for wms integration


How to manage production by using WMS?

WMS helps in production management for better supply control and sustainability management of stock. The system allows for reasonably managing the space in the warehouse. The gathered data shows what quantity of materials, parts, or components is necessary to ensure smooth processes. A key benefit is saving space and costs – there is no excess inventory, and no stock shortage.

The system allows for quick, easy, and reliable stocktaking. It is possible to predict the exhaustion of stock – it can be noted by an alert. It allows for ordering necessary resources and fulfilling the contract on time.

How to manage production by using AMR?

AMR is an advanced logistic management solution for the quick and safe transport of materials, components, and parts to workplaces. Automated intralogistics systems allow for the planning of optimal paths. Robots relieve employees from the hard and repetitive work – operators can concentrate on the higher-value tasks. AMRs can carry heavy loads with the same efficiency 24/7. Moreover, there is threat elimination – robots move along designated paths only, and also they are equipped with a scanning system to avoid accidents.


WMS and AMR integration – why is it necessary?

WMS and AMR are separate solutions. Deciding to implement both systems, they should be integrated. Why integration is necessary for coherent cooperation? The reason is a real-time data exchange and increase robot uptime efficiency. Information about the location is provided from the WMS to AMR. It allows for route management – data gathered by WMS help quickly find and deliver parts or materials to workplaces. Auto-generated orders are sent for AMR to deliver components and transfer finished goods from the line. All of this happens with minimal human involvement – decreasing the number of fails and increasing efficiency. Both integrated solutions are dedicated to possibilities and needs in the factory logistics systems. Processes can be controlled by using mobile devices. Data exchange helps in managing production, especially in planning effective path schedules. A key benefit is the relief of employees from repetitive tasks and process quality improvement, which in effect helps increase OEE.

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