
A comprehensive solution for management, diagnostics, monitoring and control of the production line.

They Trusted Us:

Make sure you have all information you need to make a smart decision. With Smart Machine’s fully integrated line management and control solutions, decision-making has never been easier. With dozens of build-in analytical and diagnostic functions, it supports the operator in detecting bottlenecks, increasing uptime, reducing scrap and improve line performance and efficiency. The system provides full production traceability, SPC analysis, operator guidance throughout the changeover process and provide a support function for line control.

Line Overview All the most important information on a single screen, data on the current and next order, the status of the entire line and its individual components. Information about performance and basic KPIS of the line. Higher transparency and ease of data analysis during production.
Recipe Manager Manage your recipes with the built-in recipe manager. Manage access, modify, improve and track changes to the recipes. Have full control over machine settings, send recipes quickly and automatically. Reduce changeover time to a minimum.
Traceability Track and trace all your product throughout entire production process. Full history of the semi-product, baches used in the production of the finish good. All information about the product: operations performed, results, status, measurements, all in one place, available for further analysis and also for resolving customer claims.
SPC – Statistical Process Control Have full control over the stability of your production processes, thanks to integrated Statistical Process Control analysis. Detect even the smallest deviations and prevent production losses.
Real time OEE Analyse Key Performance Indicators and Overall Equipment Effectiveness in real time, based on data gathered from PLC. Identify losses with dedicated analytical dashboards, data presented in the form of a loss tree helps Operator easily understand the data presented and detect potential root causes and then eliminate them to increase line performance.
Rework & scrap Reduces your losses, due to full real time production monitoring. All scrap and reworks are automatically reported by PLC or Operator during entire production processes. Build-in Decision Point supports Operator in making key decisions during the rework process.

Smart Machine – Out-of-the-box solution for Automated Assembly Lines

Smart Machine is a complete line control system supporting all operations and operators’ activities dedicated for automated assembly lines. System provides automated changeovers on-the-fly together with advanced line control of all WPCs on each station. System ensures uninterrupted operation of the assembly line and timely execution of production and quality. That guarantees the highest OEE as well predictable line’s work, every shift and every day.

System is fully embedded with basic automation. Thanks to standardized and predefined communication can be easy connected with any PLC and any line’s supplier. A standard PLC library with a transparent telegram structure and a user-friendly interface allow a fast and easy integration with the Smart machine.

System is design to ensure smooth operation, configuration, maintenance the line and to support operators in correct problem-solving.

Smart Machine covers special processes like clearing the line, golden (dummy) parts and SPC checks.

Modular architecture of our system, gives unlimited possibilities for free configuration of the system, so that our product can be tailored to any requirements set by our customers.

Smart Machine will help your business in a daily management and production  execution by effectively collecting, visualizing and analyzing data across your entire supply chain.

Machine Connectivity

Gather data and control WPCs​

Machine Connectivity is responsible for communication with the machine’s PLC and devices. Thanks to the standardized and predefined communication protocols, telegrams structures can be easily implemented with any PLC. A standard PLC library with a transparent telegram structure and a user-friendly interface allow fast and easy integration with the Smart machine.


Line Control​

It’s all about control, crosscheck and validation​

The module responsible for controlling and validation of product proceed through the line. Each piece is checked and the system decides where to transfer the product after each operation, validates quality criteria and decides whether a product is OK/NOK based on an analysis of the results obtained from the PLC compared to the set quality limits.

Data Acquisition​

Counters, signals, process parameters, states

Having native communication with each machine in the line, Accevo Smart Machine is gathering huge amount of data into the system for automated reporting, T&T (Track & Trace), production monitoring and real-time analysis.

Production Execution​

Line under control​

Production Execution let operators execute orders and operations according to plan and technology. It validates and supports different types of production processes during which the operator can report production and machine states. The system displays current production, its status and progress. Operators can monitor production in real-time.

Operator Guidance

Proceed step by step

The system guides the operator step by step on what to do in the next step, starting from scanning the BOMs, sending recipes to PLCs, starting dummy tests (golden parts) or accepting the newest documentation. Additionally, the instructions for the production or changeover are enriched with images or movies.

Decision Point​

Automated reworks management
& defects

The system automatically records all defects, place/operation of occurrence and its type reported by PLC or by Operator. With Reworks Management it is possible to create a dedicated production flow based on the type of defect. The new route is saved to the WPC’s RFID chip and the WPC is going to the expected station for rework. Accevo’s Master Control logic decides about bypassing unnecessary stations.


Full Track & Trace

With Traceability tracking and tracing of the finished good, semi-finished goods and raw materials is possible. Ongoing production is being matched with S/N, batches of components and containers. The system validates processes and confirms scanned resources. The labelling and marking process is done automatically in any step of production. With Traceability, it is possible to find raw material based on scanned finished goods.


Microstops Monitoring​

Automatical bottlenecks detection​

The module registers each, even the shortest stop of the individual stations and its reason from PLC. Build-in algorithms assign responsible machines for a line stoppage. It helps to automatically identify bottlenecks and each machines’ status.

Quality Inspections​

Automated control and real-time analysis​

Built-in set of tools for statistical analysis of the process, such as histogram, control cards and more. Allows detailed analysis of data collected at each stage of production in terms of stability and deviation from planned limits of each production process. The tool allows you to quickly detect even the smallest deviations in the process and react before product quality discrepancies appear.

quality inspections spc screen mes system

Production progress

Progress and counters​

System monitors constantly the number of OK parts – reported at each station separately, number of NOK parts – reported at different places. Production counters are gathered in real-time giving you information about current production progress, number of products on the line and already produced.

Digital Documentation​

Forget about the paper​

Digital Documentation let users display documentation online on the operator panel. Categorized PDFs, images and movies are being displayed for ongoing production. The module helps to eliminate paper from the machines and let users for faster access to needed documents.

Online Visualization​

Transparent production on TV​

Online Visualization displays current production on TVs that are installed on the shop floor. Visualization includes production data with current OEE, production progress and machine states for ongoing production shift. It helps in production transparency and faster reaction times.

Master Data

Configure it by your own

Place in the system where you can model your production process like machines, routings, recipes, production orders any many more. Data can be inserted directly in the system, imported from prepared Excel templates or from any ERP.

Dashboards & Reports​

All data in Accevo system​

Dashboards & Reports is a complex analytic platform with ready reports. More than a dozen reports analyzing production, quality, trends and targets. Reports can be viewed in the perspective of line, machine (station) and in different time ranges.

OEE Analysis​

Your OEE equation

OEE Analysis calculation in real-time. The module is responsible for displaying KPI together with availability, performance and quality. Managers are able to set individual OEE calculation methods dedicated for the line. The OEE let users check the current line’s health.

System Integration​

Any system!​

System integration is responsible for receiving inbound data and for sending outbound data to any other external system. It works in real-time. Different integration ways are supported like web services, intermediate databases or flat files. The module is compatible with any ERP, MES or BI systems.

System Presentation

Contact with our Expert

Piotr Kanka EMS instustrial expert

Piotr Kańka

Industrial Software Expert


Why to get a demo?

  • 60-minute online meeting with a dedicated specialist presenting a top system from an industry similar to yours
  • Live modeling of your production process
  • budget quotation after the meeting

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An efficiently executed changeover can help increase a company’s production, reduce labor costs and increase quality.

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Smart Machine – perfect solution for a modern production

The fraction of industrial processes that are becoming automated is growing. To optimize them and achieve better results, it is necessary to implement more and more advanced systems. Modern production companies are eager to take advantage of the opportunities offered by advanced management software. One of them is Smart Machine – a complete line management system.

What is a Smart Machine, and how does it work?

Smart Machine from Accevo Systems (formerly ANT Solutions) is a software dedicated to production management. The system is supporting all operations and operators in the automated production line, which allows monitoring process, its status and realizing production in real time. All operators can execute orders according to plan and technology thanks to instructions displayed directly on the operator panel.

The system communicates with machines by a PLC. Thanks to that, the software collects data, including all parameters needed to make a batch (or single one) of products. This data allows for making an analysis, comparing historical and real-time ratios. But that is not all there is to it.

Why the system is smart?

Collecting data is just the beginning. Smart machine’s connection with the system ensures the most effective operations and support for operators. The software minimizes human error, and diagnostic tools let reduce downtime and micro-stops. A real-time activity allows for ultra-fast communication, sending alerts directly to an operator, and taking an action at the right moment. Anticipating failures, preventing them, and gaining precious seconds – it is exactly what manufacturing industry is striving for, isn’t it?

Smart Machine – the most important components

Smart Machine is a system created for the efficient operation of the entire supply chain. What are the characteristics of the components determining its effectiveness?

  • Line Overview – high transparency and data analysis allow for taking an action quickly. In our system, all significant data, performance, KPIs, and status of the operations are located on a single screen. All information is in sight and operator can use it in no time.
  • Recipe Manager – this component allows for managing all recipes, including access, modification, improve and tracking changes. Quickly and automatically changing settings reduces changeover time and human error to a minimum and thus increasing line efficiency.
  • Traceability – track and trace all products process parameters throughout entire processes. Traceability allows for collecting data and tracking the full history of every single product. Parameters, production time, quality, results, and status – every information is intended for further analysis.
  • SPC (Statistical Process Control) – SPC lets to have full control of all processes on the production line. Data presented in the form of understandable histograms clearly shows deviations from the trend line, allowing for quickly detecting the threats and preventing possible production losses.
  • Real-time OEE – availability, performance, and quality for the production line and its machines are automatically calculated. In this way, KPIs and Overall Equipment Effectiveness are monitored in real-time. The system has implemented dashboards and reports like OEE waterfall, micro-stops Pareto report, etc. Threats analysis and eliminating potential roots allow for delivery of the finished and high-quality product on time, achieving high OEE.
  • Rework & scrap – defects are inevitable in production. However, in smart machine, they can be reduced. All scrap and reworks are reported by PLC or the operator. Monitoring this data during the entire production process, allows for reducing losses. The system also supports the operator in making key decisions in order to improve indicators of products.

What is smart manufacturing?

Smart manufacturing means producing components with the highest quality factor at the lowest possible cost. How is this possible? An important component for operational success is repeatability. A human task is always affected by the human factor. With the same semi-finished products and using the same equipment, there is a risk of error that can occur due to fatigue, lack of accuracy, or other human error. Smart machine eliminate this risk.

How Smart Machine will change your company?

Implementation of our system in the automatized production line has a lot of positive results. One of the most important benefits is achieving maximal line capacity in less time. Every second can mean large gains or losses, depending on the efficiency with which it will be used. Advanced software allows reducing waste and increases profits thanks to real-time production processes tracking.

Another important method that provides savings in the produce industry is minimizing defects. It is possible with Smart Machine tools to diagnose threats and prevent them. Furthermore, using advanced software minimizes human error and provides repeatable processes.

Less downtime – more effectiveness.
Less micro-stops – 
more availability.
Less defects – 
more high-quality.

This is what Smart Machine mean for nowadays production industries.

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